Thursday 23 October 2014


ITS FRIDAYYY. so as I am still in school, today's the day where the first term has finished! The relief I am living right now Is awesome I can't wait to get myself down to London on Sunday. As u may have realised I'm going to London for the week! My family live there so it's gonna be a great treat to see them πŸ’• As a teenager all I want to do is sit around all day on my iPads,phones,laptops and hang around town all weekend... 😢 So for all them teenagers out there thinking that sounds like me your not aloneπŸ™Œ However family does come first! From expreriance losing someone can be fast so always make time to talk to family or let them know your still there🌹 

As a dancer I am in the Christmas panto! Staring in Peter PanπŸ‘Œ the rehersals also start on Sunday πŸ‘Š so my schedule is fully booked 😏 What would u like of Santa this year ? πŸ˜‹ This time of the year is my faveee❤️ I love it! All the new fashions, being cosy. Just one of my favorite seasons πŸ™Œ Making blogs for me isn't about fame or to get noticed its about sharing my problems or exciting things to you so I can get edvice or give edvice πŸ˜‰ I watch a lot of youtubers and follow them! And the things I love to do is read there blogs. This is where my insperation came from to start my own blog πŸ™† 

Back to the subject of my Friday πŸ’• so! So far it has not been so bad I have just woke up and getting ready for school πŸ”«πŸ™ˆ Some people hate being at school but for me I quite like it πŸ˜‚ not for the education but to see all my friends ☺️ I am close to a few people and I love them to bits all of them πŸ’œ When I do go to London I do miss hanging around wid them everyday. I do realize where people come from, school helps you through life. Yes the education but it helps u get to know people, helps you through rough times! I do find school a nice enviroment to be aroundπŸ€

Last week it was assessment week😳 Got all my L e v e l s back🌿 quite proud of myself  "tbh"  I hope if any of you have had tests or are studying for them I do wish you luck 😘 atm I'm just chilling in ma pjs 🌿 Waiting to go to school so I hope you all have a nice day ✋ xoxox 

First blog ✋

I am a new blogger! And I am at a stage of my life where I would like to share and get people to help me through. This blog will be based on fashion and life situations. I hope you enjoy my blogs, I also hope I can give u good advice to help you too xxx:)

its short. aww well...